Meet Zac…

There isn’t a situation or activity in my life that isn’t enhanced by being fitter. Throwing the football around with my kids or making a big push up a mountain, it’s better when you’re fit!!

Zac Hickle
39 years old. 5’10” and almost 240 lbs. I had fallen into the trap of middle age. 4-5 hours of sleep, eating poorly and little exercise were the normal in my life. The unhealthy lifestyle was adding pounds to my frame, contributing to a lack of energy and a disposition closer to a badger than a human. I was frustrated with all of it but didn’t know the next move. 
In the fall of 2020 my hunting partners and I started planning an elk hunt out west for ‘21. I’ve been a avid outdoorsman my entire life, largely in the Midwest. The mountains are a whole different level, I couldn’t fake it, either get fit or something special was going to be a nightmare. Typically, elk don’t live on golf courses. I knew that I needed to make a drastic change, I didn’t want to hold our hunting group back. Nobody wants to be that guy!!
We managed to successfully draw Montana elk tags in March of ‘21. The pressure was on to be ready, time to get serious about hunt preparations. After reaching out to a few folks that I regarded as being “fit” and asking for their thoughts, I stopped into Viral a few days after the draw results. I caught Coach Nate right after he had finished coaching a class, he gave me the tour. He explained basic CrossFit methods and asked what my goals were. I explained the elk hunt and the goal was to “get up the hill”. He smiled and said “When is the hunt?” I replied “6 months” Again, another smile and he said “do the work and we’ll get you up the hill”
I value folks that are good at their job. I appreciate confidence and I thought his honesty was refreshing. DO THE WORK kept ringing in my head as I handed over my credit card and signed up for a month. “Give it a month, Zac” I thought. A month has turned into CF being a vital part of my everyday routine. Everything about this was terrifying to me, admitting your weaknesses and exposing your vulnerabilities to complete strangers. The coaching staff and members are welcoming and supportive. CrossFit Viral is a community full of diverse people all working towards improvement and better health. No judgment what so ever. 
I started showing up and doing the work. CrossFit is hard….The pounds started to fall off with the combination of exercise and an improved diet. I started sleeping better each night. My wife made the comment that I was much more enjoyable to be around. My cardio improved, my strength improved and things I thought were impossible in March I was doing by the end of the summer. Pull-ups, push-ups, run a mile and sustained periods of exercise. The high level of coaching kept me safe and injury free. Scaling allowed me to get the intended stimulus of each WOD. Emily, Stephy, Nate, Kuna and Jeremy are all fantastic coaches, they genuinely care about you reaching your fitness goals. 
The months went by fast leading up to the hunt. September arrived and we headed west. September in the high country is magical!!! The sky is bluer, the air is crisp and THINNER and the aspens were being shook by the bugles of bull elk. 
My fitness level never held me back on my 8 day DIY hunt in SW Montana. I walked over 70 miles and many days we lost and gained several thousand feet of elevation, all while wearing a 40 pound pack. Every morning I woke up refreshed and ready to go. The fitness level I had achieved allowed me to recover each night and be ready each morning. All the sweat and aching muscles were worth it once I heard that first bugle!!
One aspect I overlooked in the preparations for our hunt was the mental toughness needed. Little did I know CrossFit Viral was preparing me with each workout. I was comfortable being uncomfortable, I had the mental toughness to keep grinding with a good attitude each day. 
There isn’t a situation or activity in my life that isn’t enhanced by being fitter. Throwing the football around with my kids or making a big push up a mountain, it’s better when you’re fit!! My hunting partners and I are always planning the next great adventure and staying fit by attending CF Viral gives me the confidence to tackle any idea that we come up with. I recently returned from a spring Montana black bear trip. The weather was horrendous and the slopes were steep. It was 6 days of mental marathons. I was smiling the entire time!!
I’m proud to say that I completed my first Triathlon this summer as well. Finding motivation to stay fit and ready for the mountains is fun when you combine it with local events that test you. 
Get fit for yourself. Get fit to set a good example for your kids. Get fit for your family. Get fit for a life long bucket list item. Find your motivation and stop procrastinating. In 6 months you can have 6 months of progress or 6 months of excuses!!
Elk hunting is what motivated me to get fitter and healthier and CrossFit Viral is how I did it. Most days it’s the best hour of my day. I’ve made friends that I look forward to seeing at the gym. We motivate, encourage and hold each other accountable. I’m happy to say that I’m a CrossFitter that enjoys Western Mountain Hunting!! I hope to see you in the gym or even better, on the mountain!
One of my favorite quotes: 
“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy- I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it!!”  -Arthur L Williams, Jr.

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